89th National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

A ceremony will be held September, 21 in the Four Seasons hotel, to mark the celebration of the 89th National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

A number of senior Tunisian officials, ambassadors accredited to Tunisia, a number of political, economic, cultural and media figures and Saudis in Tunisia are expected to attend the ceremony.

On this occasion, some paintings of Jordanian artist Bassam Ouda, highlighting the humanitarian role and mission of the Kingdom in Hajj and Umrah, will be displayed, in addition to an exhibition of some most important Saudi books and encyclopedias.

Besides, the guests in the ceremony will be invited to a Saudi popular food.

The glorious National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an occasion for the Saudi people to voice their pride for the past 89 years when their country reached the peak of pride for development in all areas.


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