Pakistani Missions organize Food Festivals in Morocco, Egypt and Tunisia

ISLAMABAD : Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as part of its Public Diplomacy initiativesaimed at promoting Pakistani cuisines abroad, has organised with the assistance of Pakistani Missions Abroad a series of Food Festivals in Morocco, Egypt and Tunisia from 22 October-10 November 2016.

The Ministry endeavours to arrange public diplomacy event aimed atprojecting Pakistan’s culture, heritage and ethos both at home and abroad.

 A weeklong food festival was organised in Pakistan’s Mission in Morocco in the citiesof Rabat, Casablanca and Tangier.

The event evinced an overwhelming response, andwas attended by a large number of participants including the local parliamentarians,diplomats, businessmen, journalists, members of think tanks and the resident Pakistanicommunity.

 The guests highly appreciated the traditional Pakistani cuisine, which was well receivedby the sophisticated Moroccan palate. The premises, where these festivals werearranged, were artistically adorned with Pakistani handicrafts while traditional folk musicwas played in the background, which created a unique ambience, augmenting thetastefully prepared food. The Pakistani community showed keen interest in the festivalsand actively participated in all the events.
The local media also covered these food festivals adequately.
The Nation (Pakistan)

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