Enactus Tunisia Race powered by Tunisie Telecom under the theme “Tech4COVID

Tunisie Telecom is supporting for the second consecutive year the annual technology competition launched by Enactus Tunisia.

Under the theme ”Tech4COVID”, this prestigious competition is dedicated this year to young idea holders and entrepreneurs who want to develop or implement innovative and technological projects to meet the major challenges facing the world today. The proposed solutions should have positive economic, social and environmental impacts and responses to the problems linked to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Through this partnership action, Tunisie Telecom reaffirms its commitment to support national efforts to combat the spread of the coronavirus and to encourage the development of technological solutions that meet Tunisia’s needs in this health crisis.

Regarding the conduct of this national competition, Enactus Tunisia Race will be open to project ideas in the Early Stage or prototyping phase and to completed projects in Startups or Companies (less than 2 years).

Following a screening, only 10 projects from each of the two above-mentioned categories will be selected to pitch in front of a jury whose mission will be to choose 5 candidates from each category to follow a one-month Boot Camp in order to improve the ideas or to strengthen and consolidate the projects.

The third and final phase will be the final phase. It will consist of a competition between 5 selected ideas and projects per category. The selected candidates will have 7 minutes to pitch. Two champions and two vice champions will be selected per category.


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